The Mattei Plan

the Italian perspective towards the Mediterranean in the European and Atlantic framework


On Thursday, June 20, at the Centro Alti Studi della Difesa (CASD), from 11 to 13, took place the conference entitled “The Mattei Plan: the Italian perspective towards the Mediterranean in the European and Atlantic framework”, organized in collaboration with BV TECH and the Atlantic Council.

During the conference, which also saw the participation of representatives of the Government and Defense, were deepened the topics related to the centrality of Italy in the Mediterranean.
In particular, the role of the “Mattei Plan” for Africa, a project that represents the response of the Italian government to the challenges posed by today’s international context, with which Italy offers a model of intervention and cooperation that offers advantages in terms of security and stability to all the countries involved and to Europe.

The CASD, BV TECH and the Atlantic Council have promoted the event as a moment of analysis and discussion on various geopolitical, economic, cultural and social issues shared by the countries of the two continents bordering the Mare Nostrum, with particular regard to the “security” dimension that sees Italy engaged at the forefront in the European and allied context.

Watch the full video of the Event

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