The introduction into clinical practice of a new drug for breast cancer

Innovative research in the pharmaceutical sector


An important assessment of HTA on the introduction into clinical practice of a new drug for triple negative metastatic breast cancer was conducted thanks to the valuable contribution of Francesca Romano, Business Unit PA and Healthcare BV TECH.

Breast cancer is one of the cancers with the highest prevalence in the female population and one of the highest mortality rates (13,1/100,000 individuals) [AIOM, 2021]. One of its most aggressive forms is triple negative metastatic breast cancer (mTNBC) which accounts for about 15-20% of breast cancers. It is a particularly difficult neoplasm to treat because it does not have the molecular targets against which the targeted therapies now available for other types of breast cancer, such as single agent chemotherapy, are directed.

Research and technological innovation in the pharmaceutical sector for the treatment of triple negative metastatic breast cancer has recently identified a new drug, sacituzumab govitecan, to be administered to patients who have received at least two previous anticancer therapies without success (ie in the third line of treatment).

Following the introduction of new medication, the objective of this contribution is to define the potential benefits related to the clinical introduction of sacituzumab govitecan for the treatment of triple negative metastatic breast cancer, in comparison with single agent chemotherapy. Specifically, we want to understand the impact of sacituzumab govitecan administration both in terms of clinical effectiveness and safety for patients, both in terms of economic-organizational efficiency for NHS, to check whether there are advantages in its administration and whether its introduction can optimize the patient’s clinical path with benefits in terms of quality of life.


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