Progesi with A.M. for NATO exercise CWIX2023


Progesi (BV TECH) is with the Air Force for NATO’s CWIX 23 international exercise to test its capabilities in interoperability and information exchange.

Exercise CWIX(Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise) 2023 at the base located in Poland, in support of the REGISCC department, enabled the testing of the functional SMC (Service Management and Control) capability within the FMN (Federated Mission Network) context, according to the specifications described by Spiral 4 of the program.

The team was involved in support activities that provided an interesting example of industry-defense collaboration in support of the Italian system.

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Piazza A. Diaz, 6
20123 Milano
Tel.: +39.02.8596171
Fax: +39.02.89093321



Via delle Coppelle, 35
00186 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.6893461
Fax: +39.06.6893718

BV TECH S.p.A. | tax code and VAT number 05009770966 –