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BV TECH is Gold Sponsor of CyberSec2025
BV TECH, along with Akamai, is a Gold Partner of CyberSec2025, the annual benchmark meeting for cyber security and digital resilience, focusing on the challenges and opportunities of the future of global cybersecurity.

BV TECH, Gold Sponsor of ITASEC25: live demo of the Cyber Range and presentation of the SOCRATE project
BV TECH is Gold Sponsor of the ninth edition of ITASEC – SERICS, the Joint National Conference on Cybersecurity that will be held in Bologna from 3 to 8 February 2025 at the University of Bologna in the classrooms of Plesso Belmeloro.

Webinar: Designing the safe future; digital challenges and solutions
On 10 December 2024, starting at 10.00 a.m., the event entitled: “DESIGNING THE FUTURE SAFE: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS FOR DIGITAL” will take place, a webinar dedicated to cybersecurity organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Brindisi – Taranto with CETMA DIHSME, in collaboration with Secure Network.

BV TECH at Women Economic Forum 2024
BV TECH participated in the Women Economic Forum (WEF), an international event held in Rome at the Luiss Guido Carli University (20-23 November) and inaugurated by Laura Mattarella, Luigi Gubitosi, Paola Severino, Marilena Citelli and prestigious international speakers.

BV TECH, investments in artificial intelligence for data security
It is crucial to develop an Italian data and information security industry.

The Mattei Plan – the Italian perspective towards the Mediterranean in the European and Atlantic framework
The CASD, BV TECH and the Atlantic Council have promoted the event as a moment of analysis and discussion on various geopolitical, economic, cultural and social issues shared by the countries of the two continents bordering the Mare Nostrum, with particular regard to the “security” dimension that sees Italy engaged at the forefront in the European and allied context.
Press releases
Our publications

GOLLUM: Guiding cOnfiguration of firewaLL Through aUgmented Large Language Models
Authors: Roberto Lorusso, Antonio Maci e Antonio Coscia
Magazine: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Volume 1: ICAART

MAGICIAN: Malware classification Approach through Generation Image using a Conditional and wassersteIn generative Adversarial Network variants
Authors: Stefano Galantucci, Andrea Iannacone, Giuseppe Pirlo, Lucia Sarcinella, Alessandro Stamerra
Magazine: 2025 IEEE 4th International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC)

FROG: a Firewall Rule Order Generator for faster packet filtering
Autori: Antonio Coscia, Antonio Maci, Nicola Tamma
Magazine: Computer Networks Volume 257

BV TECH + MIT: Employing Board Cyber-Risk Management Collaborative Game Under Condition Of Uncertainty
Authors: Tony Delvecchio, Giancarlo De Bernardis, Sander Zeijlemaker and Michael Siegel
Magazine: Rivista: Springer – Communications in Computer and Information Science

PROGESI: a PROxy Grammar to Enhance web application firewall for SQL Injection prevention
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Vincenzo Dentamaro, Stefano Galantucci, Antonio Maci, Giuseppe Pirlo
Magazine: IEEE Access

SINNER: A Reward-Sensitive Algorithm for Imbalanced Malware Classification Using Neural Networks with Experience Replay
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Andrea Iannacone, Antonio Maci, Alessandro Stamerra
Magazine: Volume 15, Issue 8
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