Defence, Space & Homeland Security
Proprietary technologies in the Cybersecurity field and multi-domain experience at the service of Governments, Institutions and businesses, for the defence of the country’s critical infrastructures.
BV TECH collaborates with national public and private entities for the design, implementation and operation of complex ICT systems and services for the management of Big Data and AI, in order to support operators in preventing and combating national security threats.
It directly follows the modernization and strengthening programs in the fields of C4ISTAR, Cyber Defence, Training and Simulation, Logistics Support Engineering, Systems and Infrastructures for National Defence.
Serving the country with targeted solutions
Develops distinctive scientific-technological skills through important research projects within the National Military Research Plan.
It guarantees the security of digital ecosystems and the resilience of strategic assets for the protection of institutions, businesses and citizens, through tools for the secure digitalization of processes, infrastructures and applications, technologies and services for mission-critical and business-critical communications.
It offers solutions for cyber defence training in order to allow security operators to be continuously updated.
The dynamics of contemporary conflict have made the danger of so-called hybrid wars evident.
Nowadays, Cyber and Space have the same strategic value as the traditional Land-Sea-Air domains. The synergy between these dimensions generates conflicts whose operating theaters are also connective infrastructures; the consequences, even more than in the past, involve the civilian population and the entire international community.
Research, in the Defence and State Security sectors, is essential to manage the complexity of the new scenario. BV TECH adopts a multidimensional approach to both traditional and new domains, to which important human and financial resources will be dedicated.
Integrated and innovative solutions in various domains
Technical and financial skills to combine effectiveness, innovation and sustainability.
BV TECH supplies the Armed Forces with integrated solutions for the protection of operational theaters in an inter-force perspective, against active threats in all domains: terrestrial, air, naval, space and cyber.
It offers consolidated skills and Italian technologies created through PNRM, regional, national and community research projects.
In Italy and abroad, it participates in the creation of command and control systems for land, avionics and naval applications, Mission Planning systems, middleware infrastructures, training simulators, validation processes for weapons and combat systems and applications for air traffic control.
It develops projects through national and international global contractors and works directly for the Defence Administration.
SMART – Military Simulator for Realistic Shooting Training
It is the only virtual firing range designed and produced in Italy for static and dynamic shooting training. It is made up of COTS equipment and based on the VBS3 environment, with efficient configuration, integration and use of weapons.
VPT – Virtual Procedural Training
Created with COTS devices, it is aimed at training the personnel responsible for maintenance and the execution of operational procedures, in a virtual environment.
Cruscotto Decisionale
Management of complex systems for immediate and effective decision support thanks to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
VPD – Vessel Protection Detachment
New generation training system to support operators in the execution of protection tasks and landing and disembarkation operations.
TPRMS – Tactical Personnel Recovery Mission Simulator
Comparable to a simulation classroom, it is the first European joint training platform to practice rescuing mission personnel.
Successful cases

Piattaforma di simulazione per EDA e AM
A technological platform with virtual reality available to EDA Nations.

Virtual shooting range
The first one designed and made entirely in Italy.

Military polyclinic in Rome
Digitalization of logistical, administrative and clinical-care processes

Defence Staff: Cyber effects week 2021
An exercise scenario to train cyber operations specialists.
Piazza A. Diaz, 6
20123 Milano
Tel.: +39.02.8596171
Fax: +39.02.89093321
00186 Roma
Tel.: +39.06.6893461
Fax: +39.06.6893718
BV TECH S.p.A. | tax code and VAT number 05009770966 –