BV TECH will take part in the 10th edition of ICISSP 2024

Two research reports developed as part of the Programme Contract activities


BV TECH will participate in the 10th edition of the “International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy – ICISSP 2024, to be held in Rome from 26 to 28 February.

An event where researchers and professionals can meet and discuss cutting-edge research on technological, social and regulatory challenges that affect the security, privacy and reliability of modern information systems.

The conference welcomes articles of a practical or theoretical nature and is interested in research or applications that address all aspects of trust, security and privacy and that include issues of interest to organizations, individuals and society at large.

At the conference will be presented two research reports developed under the Program Contract activities and with the collaboration of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

  • ‘Deep Q-Networks for Imbalanced Multi-class Malware Classification”, authors Antonio Maci, Giuseppe Urbano, Antonio Coscia;
  • ”Revolutionizing board cyber-risk management using collaborative gaming”, authors Tony Delvecchio, Giancarlo De Bernardis, Michael Siegel, Sander Zeijlemaker – MIT Sloan School of Management.

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