BV TECH is a main player at the 18th NATO CA2X2 Forum

BV TECH’s commitment to the implementation of military training systems


The 18th NATO Forum on Computer Assisted Analysis, Exercise and Experimentation (CA2X2) was held Oct. 3-5 at the Ergife Palace Hotel in Rome.

Organized by the NATO Center of Excellence for “Modelling and Simulation,” an entity directed by Italian Army Colonel Francesco Pacillo and jointly run by Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany and the United States in order to support the Alliance in education and training, and sponsored by NATO’s Strategic Transformation Command in Norfolk, CA2X2 is set to be an important event aimed at bringing together the military, Industry and academia around the theme of “Modelling and Simulation” (M&S), with interesting demonstrations and presentations on the latest trends in technology.

The 18th edition focused, in particular, on the theme “Modelling & Simulation as a cross-functional enabler,” i.e., the ability of modeling and simulation technologies to support and facilitate processes with a cross-domain and multi-domain approach.

In this context, the Defense Business Unit’s LoB Modelling and Simulation illustrated BV TECH’s commitment to “Live,” Virtual,” and “Constructive” military training systems through the identification and integration of innovative technologies.

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