BV TECH, Gold Sponsor of CyberSec2025

Cyber Range live demo and presentation of the SOCRATES project


BV TECH is Gold Sponsor of the ninth edition of ITASEC – SERICS, the Joint National Conference on Cybersecurity that will be held in Bologna from 3 to 8 February 2025 at the University of Bologna in the classrooms of Plesso Belmeloro. “Cybersecurity is a primary asset for companies and for the country. Increasingly sophisticated threats to public services and businesses put our data at risk and are a global concern. There is a growing need to create the right skills to meet the challenges that the world of cyber security poses. Universities, businesses and institutions can work together to create a strong and resilient system. This will be discussed during the ninth edition of ITASEC, which will present, thanks to the contribution of the Foundation SERICS (Security and Rights in CyberSpace), the best of Italian research in the field of computer security. Also important is the contribution of the National Cybersecurity Agency, which is at the heart of an ecosystem based on research, innovation and industry”. With these words Alessandro Armando, director of the Cybersecurity National Lab, introduces the event, which will see the participation of leading figures from academia, institutional and business. In addition, an exhibition area will be set up where companies and startups will present innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies in the field of cyber security.

Cyber Range BV TECH – demo live

BV TECH, sponsor of the event, will present on February 6, 2025 the results achieved by its Cyber Range, developed within the research project “Cybersecurity and SOC Product Suite”, followed by a hands-on demonstration of the innovative capabilities and functionalities already available to implement complex IoT exercise scenarios that integrate advanced industrial control system (ICS) modelling capabilities and process modelling. The simplicity in scenario creation, the high level of automation and the efficiency in instantiation and execution make BV TECH’s Cyber Range an extremely useful platform also for test activities, Continuous testing and validation of the security of applications and hardware components, thanks to the possibility of integrating physical devices into virtual scenarios.

Cybersecurity of satellite mission systems: the SOCRATES project

On 7 February 2025, BV TECH, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano – Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali e Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria – will present the objectives and activities under way within the research project “SOCRATE” (Satellite Operations Cyber RAnge for Testing and Evaluation), co-financed by the Italian Space Agency in the framework of the call “Academic Research Days ASI 2020 – Cybersecurity Thematic Table”. The project involves the creation of a platform for simulation and emulation of a satellite mission system within which it is possible to perform specific cyber attack/defense scenarios in the satellite context and evaluate the effect of physical phenomena on orbital component and on the communication channel (e.g. space weather events, failures etc.) for the purpose of training system operators and as a technology validation platform.

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