BV TECH At “International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity” – ICAIC-2024

A custom structured exercise scenario using the BV TECH Cyber Range prototype.


In the context of the dissemination actions of the results of the research activities carried out by BV TECH within the Program Contract, last Dec. 15, at the University of Bari, colleagues from the CyberLab in Grottaglie presented their work to the students of the master’s degree program in Computer Science.

As part of the laboratory exercises included in the cryptography course taught by Prof. Stefano Galantucci of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory, the activity was performed in guided mode and aimed at the consolidation and experimental verification of the notions learned in the classroom related to the use of cryptographic techniques in the context of cybersecurity, based on the CTF (Capture The Flag) competitions model.

The BV TECH team accomplished this on an exercise scenario structured “ad hoc” for educational needs using the BV TECH Cyber Range prototype, within some components of CyberSuite such as NGFW, IDS and SIEM, finding great interest among the participating students and fostering future recruitment activities.

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