Alvise Biffi spoke at the 2023 edition of the GLOBAL RISK FORUM

Increased risk awareness and safety culture


Last June 14 at the Allianz MiCo (Milano Convention Centre) Alvise Biffi, Secure Network (BV TECH) CEO, spoke at the 2023 edition of the GLOBAL RISK FORUM.

An appointment designed to learn how to align the Enterprise Risk Management system with business strategy and manage new risks in an integrated and sustainable way by providing concrete business support.

The global business world is faced with multiple interconnected risks that can change at such a rapid pace that it is becoming increasingly difficult to predict and thus manage them.

A set of exogenous and endogenous factors capable of determining the fate of business development and evolution that will be analyzed in the new edition of the Global Risk Forum trying to give concrete answers to those who need to foresee the main business risks to be focused, monitored and possibly neutralized in the coming years.

“Increasingly interconnected systems have caused an exponential increase in the size of attacks with increasingly hybrid digital threats. For SMEs, the approach must include focusing on the entire supplychain and knowing the perimeter of the possible attack.

It is essential to take preventive action and have guidelines, both organizational and process as well as technological, sharing experiences and expertise.

Greater risk awareness and a culture of safety are prerequisites for proper prevention,” said Alvise Biffi.

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